Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is Your Church Missions-Minded?

The following excerpt is from Ken Sorrell's article found at SBCImpact 
"Early 19th century missionary Henry Martyn stated, “The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Christ, the more missionary we become.” A missions mind-set can easily be described as another expression of obedience flowing out of an intimate relationship with our Lord. Both individual believers and churches that desire to have the mind of Christ will also have a heart for the nations.

A missions-minded church is a church whose ultimate joy is found in God and Him alone. Out of the overflow of their love for Him a vision for mankind comes into view. (Luke 10:27)*
A missions-minded church is a church whose heartbeat is missions, whose thinking is missions, and whose doing is missions. From the Genesis to Revelation, the message is clear; salvation for all the nations of the earth. (Psalm 67)
A missions-minded church is a church where missions is so intertwined into all aspects of church life that church members assume that involvement in missions is normative for Christians. From their home and around the world, we are to be witnesses. Acts 1:8
A missions-minded church never goes somewhere else to do missions, but wherever they go they are on mission. Matthew 28:19
A missions-minded church is a church whose use resources reveal their true heart’s passion for missions. It has often been stated, “follow the money”. In a missions-minded church, “follow the heart and you will also find the money”. Matthew 6:21
A missions-minded church is a sender of missionaries to the nations. Acts 13:1-3
Without question there is a need for a greater number of missions-minded churches if we are to change the face of eternity by impacting lost lives around the world. But rather than a moniker to display, may we in humble recognition acknowledge that it is His mission and His mandate. Our privilege and joy to join with Him."

*I felt the need to add this one.

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