Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blessing Missionaries


15 Ways to Bless Your Missionaries This Christmas without Paying Postage

Here are 15 post-office-free ideas to get you started, most of which you could do right now from your desk, written by an anonymous 30-year-old missionary:
  1. Pray specific Scripture for them and their ministry, and then email it to them.
  2. Call or email their parents—Christmas might be just as lonely for the ones at home as the ones away.
  3. Purchase credits on Skype so they can stay in touch with family and friends.
  4. Donate frequent flier miles to them.
  5. Ask them if you can host an evening of prayer of them and the local people who work with them.
  6. Purchase an iTunes gift card for them. You can send these through email or if you buy a physical card simply email them the code on the back.
  7. Commit to pray for them on a specific day of the week for a year.
  8. Write a song or poem or story for them. Email them the text and a recording of you reading or singing it.
  9. Get friends and family together to create a holiday video greeting for them on YouTube or Vimeo. Include lots of people you know they miss. (If people are working in sensitive locations you may want to make this a “private video.”)
  10. Make a year-end gift through their missions board or agency.
  11. Paypal—the fastest and easiest way to send money.
  12. Call their local florist (not everyone is in the jungle these days) and have flowers delivered, or their local Pizza Hut and have pizza delivered—with corn and shrimp as toppings!
  13. Send them a gift card for a Bible Study platform like OliveTree or Logos.
  14. Donate to a charity that means a lot to them.
  15. Make a monthly commitment to support them financially.

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