Saturday, August 9, 2014

David Garrison: What God Is Doing Among The Muslim World - Though I personally would not promote CBN or the 700 Club, I will promote David Garrison and his book. This video is worth the time to watch.

Though I personally would not promote CBN or the 700 Club, I will promote David Garrison and his book.
This video is worth the time to watch.
Post by David Garrison.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Desire of the Nations Missions Conference

The Desire of the Nations Missions Conference 


The Desire of the Nations Missions Conference will be held at Clear Creek Baptist Church in Copperas Cove, Texas. The conference is scheduled for August 15th and 16th, 2014.


- Dr. Tomi Grover - Director of Human Trafficking Educational Initiative: TraffickStop,      adjunct prof at Howard Payne, LeTourneau, Dallas Baptist and author.

- Quincy "Q.D.O.G." Jones - Christian "Hermeneutical" Hip Hop Artist/Ph.d student at SWBTS

- Daniel Crowther - Pastor Andice Baptist, Truett Seminary Student/Boyce College

- Ben Connelly - Co-Pastor The City Church (Fort Worth) and adjunct prof at TCU and    author.

- Mark Kordic - Executive Relations Director at The Seed Company (The "Navy Seals" of  Wycliffe Bible Translators).

- Taun Cortado - Gospel for Asia

- Tim Rudolph - Chaplain, former missionary to Tanzania, Africa.

- Tony Matta - Public school teacher, former missionary to Costa Rica

- David Jackett - Perspectives.


International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Womens Missions Union
Change Bus
Human Trafficking Educational Initiative: TraffickStop
The Seed Company
Wycliffe Bible Translators
To Every Tribe
Gospel for Asia
Voice of the Martyrs
Bread of Life Orphanage and Feeding Centers (Romania)
Cal Farley
and many, many more.

If you have questions please contact me at or by phone at 


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Little Girl from Copperas Cove Who Is Without Hope

Does Copperas Cove/Killeen/Lampasas
need believing residents who see themselves 
as missionaries of Hope to their own communities?

You tell me.

What are you able to observe from this photo?

1. This child who wrote this was in the toy aisle. 2. More specifically this child was in the Barbie aisle. 
From this we can assume the following: 
-This child was a girl because it was written in the Barbie aisle. Also because it was written in pink.
-This was a child of at least 7 because she was able to write at a 2nd grade level.
-This child was likely not more than 10 or 11 because that is the age that little girls generally stop playing with Barbies.
-This child's life is miserable.
-This child has no hope.
-This child needs someone to love her.
-This child needs faith in the Anchor of Hope.

Do you know any children who are like this child?

Are you investing in their lives?

If not, are you ready to get started?

If you do not know how or where to get started but are willing to, then come to The Desire of the Nations Missions Conference. We are not just focused on those in other countries but those who live across town and across the street. 

So please, come and enjoy God with us!!!!

I took this picture on the toy isle at Wal Mart in Copperas Cove.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Simple Evangelism in the Church

Found at the Gospel Coalition

Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Loving one another in the body of Christ has many benefits. Two that regularly come to mind are the glory it gives to God and the way it affects the church. However, one of the primary benefits of loving one another is what it declares before a watching world. One of our most potent instruments we have for effective evangelism is Christians loving each other well.  I am “living” proof.
As a freshman college student and self-declared atheist, I attended a campus Christian fellowship to fulfill a promise to a Christian friend. I only had the intention to go once. It was merely duty and upholding my word, nothing more. I went begrudgingly, but I went. My life was never the same.
I walked into a room full of Christians and was struck by what I observed. Here was a diverse group. They were from every walk of life. I remember scanning the room and labeling people in my mind, “There is a jock, over there is a geek, and walking in the door is a boy scout.” But what struck me was that they were together. They weren’t just together in the same room, they were together in every sense of the word. They were actually talking with each other and genuinely seemed happy to be together. There didn’t seem to be division. Even in my atheist mind, I knew what I was seeing: they loved one another.
I had no categories for this, so I kept returning to find out why they had love like this for one another. Over the course of a few months I found the answer, or more accurately stated, the answer found me.
One of the best evangelism programs you can start at your church is to pursue loving one another well. At some point they will have to hear the gospel proclaimed from your lips or the pulpit, but that “strange love” will set the table before them. People will know that you are His disciples, because it is a shocking love. It has a gravitational attraction, because it is a love that is foreign to this world. A love that the inquirer, if seeking an answer, will find comes from heaven.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Desire Of The Nations Missions Conference

Missions Conference

Hamilton High School Auditorium

January 31 6:00 – 9 pm
February 1  9 am- 8 pm

Featured Speaker: Don Richardson


Speaker – Dace Clifton FBC Hico

Stretch/Break – 15

Speaker – Tony Matta- Heritage Baptist Georgetown


9:00 a.m.


Speaker – Andrew Sobities- Calvary Baptist Church Hamilton


Breakout Sessions -  Voice of the Martyrs    Gospel 4 Asia    TOAG       Missions Guy  WMU  Short Term Trips    


-LUNCH BREAK until 12:45 p.m.

12:45 p.m.

Speaker – Perry Garrett- Grace Bible Church Gatesville


Breakout Sessions - Voice of the Martyrs    Gospel 4 Asia    TOAG    HumanTrafficking   S. F. Mission Trip   Short Term Trips  WMU   Gideons 



Speaker – Craig Scoville- Cottonwood Baptist Dublin


Breakout Sessions  -  Voice of the Martyrs    Gospel 4 Asia    TOAG    HumanTrafficking   Cal Farley   Short Term Trips    Gideons



Speaker – Dr. Don Richardson

Q/A Session

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is Your Church Missions-Minded?

The following excerpt is from Ken Sorrell's article found at SBCImpact 
"Early 19th century missionary Henry Martyn stated, “The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Christ, the more missionary we become.” A missions mind-set can easily be described as another expression of obedience flowing out of an intimate relationship with our Lord. Both individual believers and churches that desire to have the mind of Christ will also have a heart for the nations.

A missions-minded church is a church whose ultimate joy is found in God and Him alone. Out of the overflow of their love for Him a vision for mankind comes into view. (Luke 10:27)*
A missions-minded church is a church whose heartbeat is missions, whose thinking is missions, and whose doing is missions. From the Genesis to Revelation, the message is clear; salvation for all the nations of the earth. (Psalm 67)
A missions-minded church is a church where missions is so intertwined into all aspects of church life that church members assume that involvement in missions is normative for Christians. From their home and around the world, we are to be witnesses. Acts 1:8
A missions-minded church never goes somewhere else to do missions, but wherever they go they are on mission. Matthew 28:19
A missions-minded church is a church whose use resources reveal their true heart’s passion for missions. It has often been stated, “follow the money”. In a missions-minded church, “follow the heart and you will also find the money”. Matthew 6:21
A missions-minded church is a sender of missionaries to the nations. Acts 13:1-3
Without question there is a need for a greater number of missions-minded churches if we are to change the face of eternity by impacting lost lives around the world. But rather than a moniker to display, may we in humble recognition acknowledge that it is His mission and His mandate. Our privilege and joy to join with Him."

*I felt the need to add this one.