15 Ways to Bless Your Missionaries This Christmas without Paying Postage
Here are 15 post-office-free ideas to get you started, most of which you could do right now from your desk, written by an anonymous 30-year-old missionary:
- Pray specific Scripture for them and their ministry, and then email it to them.
- Call or email their parents—Christmas might be just as lonely for the ones at home as the ones away.
- Purchase credits on Skype so they can stay in touch with family and friends.
- Donate frequent flier miles to them.
- Ask them if you can host an evening of prayer of them and the local people who work with them.
- Purchase an iTunes gift card for them. You can send these through email or if you buy a physical card simply email them the code on the back.
- Commit to pray for them on a specific day of the week for a year.
- Write a song or poem or story for them. Email them the text and a recording of you reading or singing it.
- Get friends and family together to create a holiday video greeting for them on YouTube or Vimeo. Include lots of people you know they miss. (If people are working in sensitive locations you may want to make this a “private video.”)
- Make a year-end gift through their missions board or agency.
- Paypal—the fastest and easiest way to send money.
- Call their local florist (not everyone is in the jungle these days) and have flowers delivered, or their local Pizza Hut and have pizza delivered—with corn and shrimp as toppings!
- Send them a gift card for a Bible Study platform like OliveTree or Logos.
- Donate to a charity that means a lot to them.
- Make a monthly commitment to support them financially.